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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Crow (0.01109 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Crow.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: crow burung gagak, dendang, kokok ayam
English → English (WordNet) Definition: crow crow n 1: black birds having a raucous call 2: the cry of a cock (or an imitation of it) 3: a member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montana 4: a small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgo [syn: Corvus] 5: an instance of boastful talk; “his brag is worse than his fight”; “whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade” [syn: brag, bragging, crowing, vaporing, line-shooting, gasconade] 6: a Siouan language spoken by the Crow people crow v 1: dwell on with satisfaction [syn: gloat, triumph] 2: express pleasure verbally; “She crowed with joy” 3: utter shrill sounds; “The cocks crowed all morning”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Crow Crow \Crow\ (kr[=o]), v. i. [imp. Crew (kr[udd]) or Crowed (kr[=o]d); p. p. Crowed (Crown (kr[=o]n), Obs.); p. pr. & vb. n. Crowing.] [AS. cr[=a]wan; akin to D. kraijen, G. kr[aum]hen, cf. Lith. groti to croak. [root]24. Cf. Crake.] 1. To make the shrill sound characteristic of a cock, either in joy, gayety, or defiance. “The cock had crown.” --Bayron. [1913 Webster] The morning cock crew loud. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To shout in exultation or defiance; to brag. [1913 Webster] 3. To utter a sound expressive of joy or pleasure. [1913 Webster] The sweetest little maid, That ever crowed for kisses. --Tennyson. [1913 Webster] To crow over, to exult over a vanquished antagonist. [1913 Webster] Sennacherib crowing over poor Jerusalem. --Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] Crow \Crow\, n. [AS. cr[=a]we a crow (in sense 1); akin to D. kraai, G. kr[aum]he; cf. Icel. kr[=a]ka crow. So named from its cry, from AS. cr[=a]wan to crow. See Crow, v. i. ] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo["o]l.) A bird, usually black, of the genus Corvus, having a strong conical beak, with projecting bristles. It has a harsh, croaking note. See Caw. [1913 Webster] Note: The common crow of Europe, or carrion crow, is Corvus corone . The common American crow is Corvus Americanus . See Carrion crow, and Illustr., under Carrion. [1913 Webster] 2. A bar of iron with a beak, crook, or claw; a bar of iron used as a lever; a crowbar. [1913 Webster] Get me an iron crow, and bring it straight Unto my cell. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. The cry of the cock. See Crow, v. i., 1. [1913 Webster] 4. The mesentery of a beast; -- so called by butchers. [1913 Webster] Carrion crow. See under Carrion. Crow blackbird (Zo["o]l.), an American bird (Quiscalus quiscula ); -- called also purple grackle. Crow pheasant (Zo["o]l.), an Indian cuckoo; the common coucal. It is believed by the natives to give omens. See Coucal. Crow shrike (Zo["o]l.), any bird of the genera Gymnorhina, Craticus, or Strepera, mostly from Australia. Red-legged crow. See Crough. As the crow flies, in a direct line. To pick a crow, To pluck a crow, to state and adjust a difference or grievance (with any one). [1913 Webster] Crows \Crows\ (kr[=o]z), n. pl.; sing. Crow. (Ethnol.) A tribe of Indians of the Dakota stock, living in Montana; -- also called Upsarokas. [1913 Webster]


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