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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Corylus rostrata (0.00980 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Corylus rostrata.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Corylus rostrata Hazel \Ha"zel\ (h[=a]"z'l), n. [OE. hasel, AS. h[ae]sel; akin to D. hazelaar, G. hazel, OHG. hasal, hasala, Icel. hasl, Dan & Sw. hassel, L. corylus, for cosylus.] 1. (Bot.) A shrub or small tree of the genus Corylus, as the Corylus avellana, bearing a nut containing a kernel of a mild, farinaceous taste; the filbert. The American species are Corylus Americana, which produces the common hazelnut, and Corylus rostrata. See Filbert. --Gray. [1913 Webster] 2. A miner's name for freestone. --Raymond. [1913 Webster] Hazel earth, soil suitable for the hazel; a fertile loam. Hazel grouse (Zo["o]l.), a European grouse (Bonasa betulina ), allied to the American ruffed grouse. Hazel hoe, a kind of grub hoe. Witch hazel. See Witch-hazel, and Hamamelis. [1913 Webster]


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