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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Conventical prior (0.00795 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Conventical prior.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Conventical prior Prior \Pri"or\, n. [OE. priour, OF. priour, prior, priur, F. prieur, from L. prior former, superior. See Prior, a.] 1. (Eccl.) The superior of a priory, and next below an abbot in dignity. [1913 Webster] 2. a chief magistrate, as in the republic of Florence in the middle ages. --[RHUD] [PJC] Conventical prior, or Conventual prior, a prior who is at the head of his own house. See the Note under Priory. Claustral prior, an official next in rank to the abbot in a monastery; prior of the cloisters. [1913 Webster] Conventical \Con*vent"ic*al\, a. Of or from, or pertaining to, a convent. “Conventical wages.” --Sterne. [1913 Webster] Conventical prior. See Prior. [1913 Webster]


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