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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Complex (0.01028 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Complex.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: complex kompleks
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: complex himpunan, kompleks, ruwet
English → English (WordNet) Definition: complex complex n 1: a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts; “the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town” [syn: composite] 2: a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated [syn: coordination compound ] 3: (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior 4: a whole structure (as a building) made up of interconnected or related structures [syn: building complex] complex adj : complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts; “a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody”; “a complex mass of diverse laws and customs” [ant: simple]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Complex Complex \Com"plex\, n. [L. complexus] Assemblage of related things; collection; complication. [1913 Webster] This parable of the wedding supper comprehends in it the whole complex of all the blessings and privileges exhibited by the gospel. --South. [1913 Webster] Complex of lines (Geom.), all the possible straight lines in space being considered, the entire system of lines which satisfy a single relation constitute a complex; as, all the lines which meet a given curve make up a complex. The lines which satisfy two relations constitute a congruency of lines; as, the entire system of lines, each one of which meets two given surfaces, is a congruency. [1913 Webster] Complex \Com"plex\ (k[o^]m"pl[e^]ks), a. [L. complexus, p. p. of complecti to entwine around, comprise; com- + plectere to twist, akin to plicare to fold. See Plait, n.] 1. Composed of two or more parts; composite; not simple; as, a complex being; a complex idea. [1913 Webster] Ideas thus made up of several simple ones put together, I call complex; such as beauty, gratitude, a man, an army, the universe. --Locke. [1913 Webster] 2. Involving many parts; complicated; intricate. [1913 Webster] When the actual motions of the heavens are calculated in the best possible way, the process is difficult and complex. --Whewell. [1913 Webster] Complex fraction. See Fraction. Complex number (Math.), in the theory of numbers, an expression of the form a + b[root]-1, when a and b are ordinary integers. Syn: See Intricate. [1913 Webster]


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