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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Columnar (0.02298 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Columnar.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: columnar columnar adj 1: having the form of a column; “trees with columned trunks”; “columnar forms”; “a columnlike tree trunk” [syn: columniform, columnlike] 2: characterized by columns; “columnar construction”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Columnar Columnar \Co*lum"nar\, a. [L. columnaris, fr. columna.] Formed in columns; having the form of a column or columns; like the shaft of a column. [1913 Webster] Columnar epithelium (Anat.), epithelium in which the cells are prismatic in form, and set upright on the surface they cover. Columnar structure (Geol.), a structure consisting of more or less regular columns, usually six-sided, but sometimes with eight or more sides. The columns are often fractured transversely, with a cup joint, showing a concave surface above. This structure is characteristic of certain igneous rocks, as basalt, and is due to contraction in cooling. [1913 Webster]


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