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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Coix Lacryma (0.01223 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Coix Lacryma.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Coix Lacryma Job \Job\ (j[=o]b), n. The hero of the book of that name in the Old Testament; the prototypical patient man. [1913 Webster] Job's comforter. (a) A false friend; a tactless or malicious person who, under pretense of sympathy, insinuates rebukes. (b) A boil. [Colloq.] Job's news, bad news. --Carlyle. Job's tears (Bot.), a kind of grass (Coix Lacryma), with hard, shining, pearly grains. [1913 Webster]


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