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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Clisiocampa neustria (0.01136 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Clisiocampa neustria.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Clisiocampa neustria Lackey \Lack"ey\, n.; pl. Lackeys. [F. laquais; cf. Sp. & Pg. lacayo; of uncertain origin; perh. of German origin, and akin to E. lick, v.] An attending male servant; a footman; a servile follower. [1913 Webster] Like a Christian footboy or a gentleman's lackey. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Lackey caterpillar (Zo["o]l.), the caterpillar, or larva, of any bombycid moth of the genus Clisiocampa; -- so called from its party-colored markings. The common European species (Clisiocampa neustria) is striped with blue, yellow, and red, with a white line on the back. The American species (Clisiocampa Americana and Clisiocampa sylvatica ) are commonly called tent caterpillars. See Tent caterpillar, under Tent. Lackey moth (Zo["o]l.), the moth which produces the lackey caterpillar. [1913 Webster]


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