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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: C6H5CHO (0.00950 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to C6H5CHO.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: C6H5CHO
\Ben*zo"ic\ (b[e^]n*z[=o]"[i^]k), a. [Cf. F.
Pertaining to, or obtained from, benzoin.
[1913 Webster]
Benzoic acid, or
flowers of benzoin, a peculiar vegetable
C6H5.CO2H, obtained from benzoin, and some other
balsams, by sublimation or decoction. It is also found in
the urine of infants and herbivorous animals. It
crystallizes in the form of white, satiny flakes; its odor
is aromatic; its taste is pungent, and somewhat acidulous.
Benzoic aldehyde, oil of bitter almonds; the aldehyde,
C6H5.CHO, intermediate in composition between benzoic or
benzyl alcohol, and benzoic acid. It is a thin colorless
[1913 Webster]