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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Brownest (0.01604 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Brownest.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: brown coklat
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: brown coklat, pirang, warna coklat
English → English (WordNet) Definition: brown brown adj : of a color similar to that of wood or earth [syn: brownish, dark-brown] brown n 1: an orange of low brightness and saturation [syn: brownness] 2: Scottish botanist who first observed the movement of small particles in fluids now known a Brownian motion (1773-1858) [syn: Robert Brown] 3: abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858) [syn: John Brown ] 4: a university in Rhode Island [syn: Brown University] brown v : fry in a pan until it changes color; “brown the meat in the pan”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Brownest Brown \Brown\ (broun), a. [Compar. Browner; superl. Brownest.] [OE. brun, broun, AS. br?n; akin to D. bruin, OHG. br?n, Icel. br?nn, Sw. brun, Dan. bruun, G. braun, Lith. brunas, Skr. babhru. [root]93, 253. Cf. Bruin, Beaver, Burnish, Brunette.] Of a dark color, of various shades between black and red or yellow. [1913 Webster] Cheeks brown as the oak leaves. --Longfellow. [1913 Webster] Brown Bess, the old regulation flintlock smoothbore musket, with bronzed barrel, formerly used in the British army. Brown bread (a) Dark colored bread; esp. a kind made of unbolted wheat flour, sometimes called in the United States Graham bread. “He would mouth with a beggar though she smelt brown bread and garlic.” --Shak. (b) Dark colored bread made of rye meal and Indian meal, or of wheat and rye or Indian; rye and Indian bread. [U.S.] Brown coal, wood coal. See Lignite. Brown hematite or Brown iron ore (Min.), the hydrous iron oxide, limonite, which has a brown streak. See Limonite. Brown holland. See under Holland. Brown paper, dark colored paper, esp. coarse wrapping paper, made of unbleached materials. Brown spar (Min.), a ferruginous variety of dolomite, in part identical with ankerite. Brown stone. See Brownstone. Brown stout, a strong kind of porter or malt liquor. Brown study, a state of mental abstraction or serious reverie. --W. Irving. [1913 Webster]


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