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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Biotechnology (0.01714 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Biotechnology.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: biotechnology biotechnology n 1: the branch of molecular biology that studies the use of microorganisms to perform specific industrial processes; “biotechnology produced genetically altered bacteria that solved the problem” 2: the branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments [syn: bioengineering, ergonomics]
English → English (gcide) Definition: biotechnology biotechnology \bi`o*tech*nol"o*gy\ n. same as bioengineering. [PJC] bioengineering \bi`o*en*gin*eer"ing\ n. 1. biological science applied to the study the relation between workers and their environments. Syn: ergonomics. [WordNet 1.5] 2. the application of engineeering principles to solve problems in medicine, such as the design of artificial limbs or organs; -- called also biomedical engineering. [PJC] 3. the branch of engineering dealing with the application of biological processes to the solution of practical problems, such as the manufacture of products by fermentation, the production and use of enzymes for various purposes, the use of microorganisms in environmental cleanup, etc.; -- called also biotechnology. [PJC]


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