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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Bezoar (0.00979 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Bezoar.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: bezoar guliga
English → English (gcide) Definition: Bezoar Bezoar \Be"zoar\, n. [F. b['e]zoard, fr. Ar. b[=a]zahr, b[=a]dizahr, fr. Per. p[=a]d-zahr bezoar; p[=a]d protecting + zahr poison; cf. Pg. & Sp. bezoar.] A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals (as the wild goat, the gazelle, and the Peruvian llama) formerly regarded as an unfailing antidote for poison, and a certain remedy for eruptive, pestilential, or putrid diseases. Hence: Any antidote or panacea. [1913 Webster] Note: Two kinds were particularly esteemed, the Bezoar orientale of India, and the Bezoar occidentale of Peru. [1913 Webster] Bezoar antelope. See Antelope. Bezoar goat (Zo["o]l.), the wild goat (Capra [ae]gagrus). Bezoar mineral, an old preparation of oxide of antimony. --Ure. [1913 Webster]


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