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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Between (0.00824 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Between.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: between antara
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: between antara, cepit, di antara dua, diantara
English → English (WordNet) Definition: between between adv 1: in the interval; “dancing all the dances with little rest between” [syn: betwixt] 2: in between; “two houses with a tree between” [syn: 'tween]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Between Between \Be*tween"\, n. Intermediate time or space; interval. [Poetic & R.] --Shak. [1913 Webster] Between \Be*tween"\, prep. [OE. bytwene, bitweonen, AS. betwe['o]nan, betwe['o]num; prefix be- by + a form fr. AS. tw[=a] two, akin to Goth. tweihnai two apiece. See Twain, and cf. Atween, Betwixt.] 1. In the space which separates; betwixt; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia. [1913 Webster] 2. Used in expressing motion from one body or place to another; from one to another of two. [1913 Webster] If things should go so between them. --Bacon. [1913 Webster] 3. Belonging in common to two; shared by both. [1913 Webster] Castor and Pollux with only one soul between them. --Locke. [1913 Webster] 4. Belonging to, or participated in by, two, and involving reciprocal action or affecting their mutual relation; as, opposition between science and religion. [1913 Webster] An intestine struggle, open or secret, between authority and liberty. --Hume. [1913 Webster] 5. With relation to two, as involved in an act or attribute of which another is the agent or subject; as, to judge between or to choose between courses; to distinguish between you and me; to mediate between nations. [1913 Webster] 6. In intermediate relation to, in respect to time, quantity, or degree; as, between nine and ten o'clock. [1913 Webster] Between decks, the space, or in the space, between the decks of a vessel. Between ourselves, Between you and me, Between themselves , in confidence; with the understanding that the matter is not to be communicated to others. [1913 Webster] Syn: Between, Among. Usage: Between etymologically indicates only two; as, a quarrel between two men or two nations; to be between two fires, etc. It is however extended to more than two in expressing a certain relation. I . . . hope that between public business, improving studies, and domestic pleasures, neither melancholy nor caprice will find any place for entrance. --Johnson. [1913 Webster] Among implies a mass or collection of things or persons, and always supposes more than two; as, the prize money was equally divided among the ship's crew. [1913 Webster]


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