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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Aspen (0.00882 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Aspen.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: aspen pohon
English → English (WordNet) Definition: aspen aspen n : any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves on flattened stalks so that they flutter in the lightest wind
English → English (gcide) Definition: Aspen Aspen \Asp"en\ ([a^]s"p[e^]n), a. Of or pertaining to the aspen, or resembling it; made of aspen wood. [1913 Webster] Nor aspen leaves confess the gentlest breeze. --Gay. [1913 Webster] Aspen \Asp"en\ ([a^]s"p[e^]n), Asp \Asp\ ([.a]sp), n. [AS. [ae]sp, [ae]ps; akin to OHG. aspa, Icel. ["o]sp, Dan. [ae]sp, Sw. asp, D. esp, G. espe, ["a]spe, aspe; cf. Lettish apsa, Lith. apuszis.] (Bot.) One of several species of poplar bearing this name, especially the Populus tremula, so called from the trembling of its leaves, which move with the slightest impulse of the air. [1913 Webster]


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