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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Aside (0.01802 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Aside.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: aside ke samping
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: aside disamping
English → English (WordNet) Definition: aside aside n 1: a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage 2: a message that departs from the main subject [syn: digression, excursus, divagation, parenthesis] adv 1: on or to one side; “step aside”; “stood aside to let him pass”; “threw the book aside”; “put her sewing aside when he entered” 2: out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts); “brush the objections aside”; “pushed all doubts away” [syn: away] 3: not taken into account or excluded from consideration; “these problems apart, the country is doing well”; “all joking aside, I think you're crazy” [syn: apart] 4: in a different direction; “turn aside”; “turn away one's face”; “glanced away” [syn: away] 5: placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; “had a feeling of being set apart”; “quality sets it apart”; “a day set aside for relaxing” [syn: apart] 6: in reserve; not for immediate use; “started setting aside money to buy a car”; “put something by for her old age”; “has a nestegg tucked away for a rainy day” [syn: by, away]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Aside Aside \A*side"\, n. Something spoken aside; as, a remark made by a stageplayer which the other players are not supposed to hear. [1913 Webster] || Aside \A*side"\, adv. [Pref. a- + side.] 1. On, or to, one side; out of a straight line, course, or direction; at a little distance from the rest; out of the way; apart. [1913 Webster] Thou shalt set aside that which is full. --2 Kings iv. 4. [1913 Webster] But soft! but soft! aside: here comes the king. --Shak. [1913 Webster] The flames were blown aside. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Out of one's thoughts; off; away; as, to put aside gloomy thoughts. “Lay aside every weight.” --Heb. xii. 1. [1913 Webster] 3. So as to be heard by others; privately. [1913 Webster] Then lords and ladies spake aside. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] To set aside (Law), to annul or defeat the effect or operation of, by a subsequent decision of the same or of a superior tribunal; to declare of no authority; as, to set aside a verdict or a judgment. [1913 Webster]


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