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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ahu (0.01057 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to ahu.
English → English (gcide) Definition: ahu Gazelle \Ga*zelle"\, n. [F. gazelle, OF. also, gazel; cf. Sp. gacela, Pr. gazella, It. gazella; all fr. Ar. ghaz?l a wild goat.] (Zo["o]l.) One of several small, swift, elegantly formed species of antelope, of the genus Gazella, esp. G. dorcas; -- called also algazel, corinne, korin, and kevel. The gazelles are celebrated for the luster and soft expression of their eyes. [Written also gazel.] Note: The common species of Northern Africa (Gazella dorcas ); the Arabian gazelle, or ariel (G. Arabica); the mohr of West Africa (G. mohr); the Indian (G. Bennetti ); the ahu or Persian (G. subgutturosa); and the springbok or tsebe (G. euchore) of South Africa, are the best known. [1913 Webster]


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