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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Judge advocate (0.01892 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Judge advocate.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: judge advocate judge advocate n 1: an officer assigned to the judge advocate general 2: a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander
English → English (gcide) Definition: Judge advocate Advocate \Ad"vo*cate\, n. [OE. avocat, avocet, OF. avocat, fr. L. advocatus, one summoned or called to another; properly the p. p. of advocare to call to, call to one's aid; ad + vocare to call. See Advowee, Avowee, Vocal.] 1. One who pleads the cause of another. Specifically: One who pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court; a counselor. [1913 Webster] Note: In the English and American Law, advocate is the same as “counsel,” “counselor,” or “barrister.” In the civil and ecclesiastical courts, the term signifies the same as “counsel” at the common law. [1913 Webster] 2. One who defends, vindicates, or espouses any cause by argument; a pleader; as, an advocate of free trade, an advocate of truth. [1913 Webster] 3. Christ, considered as an intercessor. [1913 Webster] We have an Advocate with the Father. --1 John ii. 1. [1913 Webster] Faculty of advocates (Scot.), the Scottish bar in Edinburgh. Lord advocate (Scot.), the public prosecutor of crimes, and principal crown lawyer. Judge advocate. See under Judge. [1913 Webster]
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