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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Rhombus maximus (0.00833 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Rhombus maximus.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Rhombus maximus Turbot \Tur"bot\, n. [F.; -- probably so named from its shape, and from L. turbo a top, a whirl.] (Zo["o]l.) (a) A large European flounder (Rhombus maximus) highly esteemed as a food fish. It often weighs from thirty to forty pounds. Its color on the upper side is brownish with small roundish tubercles scattered over the surface. The lower, or blind, side is white. Called also bannock fluke . (b) Any one of numerous species of flounders more or less related to the true turbots, as the American plaice, or summer flounder (see Flounder), the halibut, and the diamond flounder (Hypsopsetta guttulata) of California. (c) The filefish; -- so called in Bermuda. (d) The trigger fish. [1913 Webster] Spotted turbot. See Windowpane. [1913 Webster]


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