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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Political arithmetic (0.01179 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Political arithmetic.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Political arithmetic Arithmetic \A*rith"me*tic\, n. [OE. arsmetike, OF. arismetique, L. arithmetica, fr. Gr. ? (sc. ?), fr. ? arithmetical, fr. ? to number, fr. ? number, prob. fr. same root as E. arm, the idea of counting coming from that of fitting, attaching. See Arm. The modern Eng. and French forms are accommodated to the Greek.] 1. The science of numbers; the art of computation by figures. [1913 Webster] 2. A book containing the principles of this science. [1913 Webster] Arithmetic of sines, trigonometry. Political arithmetic, the application of the science of numbers to problems in civil government, political economy, and social science. Universal arithmetic, the name given by Sir Isaac Newton to algebra. [1913 Webster]


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