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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Lace pillow (0.00945 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Lace pillow.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Lace pillow Pillow \Pil"low\, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the down pillow hard. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A piece of metal or wood, forming a support to equalize pressure; a brass; a pillow block. [R.] [1913 Webster] 3. (Naut.) A block under the inner end of a bowsprit. [1913 Webster] 4. A kind of plain, coarse fustian. [1913 Webster] Lace pillow, a cushion used in making hand-wrought lace. Pillow bier [OE. pilwebere; cf. LG. b["u]re a pillowcase], a pillowcase; pillow slip. [Obs.] --Chaucer. Pillow block (Mach.), a block, or standard, for supporting a journal, as of a shaft. It is usually bolted to the frame or foundation of a machine, and is often furnished with journal boxes, and a movable cover, or cap, for tightening the bearings by means of bolts; -- called also pillar block, or plumber block. Pillow lace, handmade lace wrought with bobbins upon a lace pillow. Pillow of a plow, a crosspiece of wood which serves to raise or lower the beam. Pillow sham, an ornamental covering laid over a pillow when not in use. Pillow slip, a pillowcase. [1913 Webster] Lace \Lace\ (l[=a]s), n. [OE. las, OF. laz, F. lacs, dim. lacet, fr. L. laqueus noose, snare; prob. akin to lacere to entice. Cf. Delight, Elicit, Lasso, Latchet.] 1. That which binds or holds, especially by being interwoven; a string, cord, or band, usually one passing through eyelet or other holes, and used in drawing and holding together parts of a garment, of a shoe, of a machine belt, etc. [1913 Webster] His hat hung at his back down by a lace. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] For striving more, the more in laces strong Himself he tied. --Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net. [Obs.] --Fairfax. [1913 Webster] Vulcanus had caught thee [Venus] in his lace. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 3. A fabric of fine threads of linen, silk, cotton, etc., often ornamented with figures; a delicate tissue of thread, much worn as an ornament of dress. [1913 Webster] Our English dames are much given to the wearing of costly laces. --Bacon. [1913 Webster] 4. Spirits added to coffee or some other beverage. [Old Slang] --Addison. [1913 Webster] Alen[,c]on lace, a kind of point lace, entirely of needlework, first made at Alen[,c]on in France, in the 17th century. It is very durable and of great beauty and cost. Bone lace, Brussels lace, etc. See under Bone, Brussels, etc. Gold lace, or Silver lace, lace having warp threads of silk, or silk and cotton, and a weft of silk threads covered with gold (or silver), or with gilt. Lace leather, thin, oil-tanned leather suitable for cutting into lacings for machine belts. Lace lizard (Zo["o]l.), a large, aquatic, Australian lizard (Hydrosaurus giganteus), allied to the monitors. Lace paper, paper with an openwork design in imitation of lace. Lace piece (Shipbuilding), the main piece of timber which supports the beak or head projecting beyond the stem of a ship. Lace pillow, and Pillow lace. See under Pillow. [1913 Webster]


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