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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Geographical mile (0.01535 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Geographical mile.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: geographical mile geographical mile n : a British unit of length equivalent to 1,853.18 meters (6,082 feet) [syn: nautical mile, naut mi, mile, mi, Admiralty mile]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Geographical mile Geographic \Ge`o*graph"ic\, Geographical \Ge`o*graph"ic*al\, a. [L. geographicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. g['e]ographique.] Of or pertaining to geography. [1913 Webster] Geographical distribution. See under Distribution. Geographic latitude (of a place), the angle included between a line perpendicular or normal to the level surface of water at rest at the place, and the plane of the equator; differing slightly from the geocentric latitude by reason of the difference between the earth's figure and a true sphere. Geographical mile. See under Mile. Geographical variation, any variation of a species which is dependent on climate or other geographical conditions. [1913 Webster] Mile \Mile\ (m[imac]l), n. [AS. m[=i]l, fr. L. millia, milia; pl. of mille a thousand, i. e., milia passuum a thousand paces. Cf. Mill the tenth of a cent, Million.] A certain measure of distance, being equivalent in England and the United States to 320 poles or rods, or 5,280 feet. [1913 Webster] Note: The distance called a mile varies greatly in different countries. Its length in yards is, in Norway, 12,182; in Brunswick, 11,816; in Sweden, 11,660; in Hungary, 9,139; in Switzerland, 8,548; in Austria, 8,297; in Prussia, 8,238; in Poland, 8,100; in Italy, 2,025; in England and the United States, 1,760; in Spain, 1,552; in the Netherlands, 1,094. [1913 Webster] Geographical mile or Nautical mile, one sixtieth of a degree of a great circle of the earth, or 6080.27 feet. Mile run. Same as Train mile. See under Train. Roman mile, a thousand paces, equal to 1,614 yards English measure. Statute mile, a mile conforming to statute, that is, in England and the United States, a mile of 5,280 feet, as distinguished from any other mile. [1913 Webster]


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