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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: jee (0.01751 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to jee.
English → English (gcide) Definition: jee Gee \Gee\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Geed; p. pr. & vb. n. Geeing.] 1. To agree; to harmonize. [Colloq. or Prov. Eng.] --Forby. [1913 Webster] 2. [Cf. G. j["u], interj., used in calling to a horse, It. gi[`o], F. dia, used to turn a horse to the left.] To turn to the off side, or from the driver (i.e., in the United States, to the right side); -- said of cattle, or a team; used most frequently in the imperative, often with off, by drivers of oxen, in directing their teams, and opposed to haw, or hoi. [Written also jee.] [1913 Webster] Note: In England, the teamster walks on the right-hand side of the cattle; in the United States, on the left-hand side. In all cases, however, gee means to turn from the driver, and haw to turn toward him. [1913 Webster] Gee ho, or Gee whoa. Same as Gee. [1913 Webster] Gee \Gee\, v. t. [See Gee to turn.] To cause (a team) to turn to the off side, or from the driver. [Written also jee.]


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